Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Helping Nana decorate her Christmas tree.

The boys coloring at the hotel the night before his line removal.

Wow! It's already been over a month since Caleb's central line was removed. It has been really nice not having all of the care associated with it. That has been very nice. However, we have missed it some since it's removal. Caleb has been sick (stomach bug) off and on since the line came out. We figure he picked up a virus at Cinci the day of the line removal, because the following evening is when symptoms from virus #1 started. He was really starting to show improvement when about 2 weeks ago Sam became sick. We thought we had lucked out and that no one else was going to get it when Caleb became sick exactly 1 week later(virus #2). It would have been nice during these illnesses to have had a central line to hook up some extra fluid at night. We have had to come to the conclusion that viruses are a part of life and that we have to learn how to deal with them without the line. So we have been able to keep Caleb hydrated with giving him Pedialyte through his g-tube. We are very grateful for that.

The boys are very excited about Christmas. Their list this year consisted mostly of Ironman and Star Wars toys, much different from last years list of John Deere and helicopter toys. Sam has been counting the days to Christmas ever since Thanksgiving. Katelyn is doing well. She is about 15 1/2lbs now. She can roll over from her back to her stomach. She has already started teething.

I am so thankful to be home again this Christmas. Most of all, I am thankful for God's ultimate gift to us of His son Jesus Christ. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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