Friday, August 29, 2008

Coming home with Katelyn

I can't believe Katelyn's almost 1 week old. It seems like we just got home from the hospital. She's doing well. I can't say Andy and I are doing as well. Katelyn has her days and nights mixed up. We're up with her much of the night, and like clock work she sleeps from 8am to noon everyday. If anybody has any advice on getting her straightened out let us know in the comments section. She gets cuter by the day, and her big brothers are crazy about her. Sam is especially smitten. Caleb wasn't too excited at first, but is slowly coming around. He was giving her kisses the other day. Very cute.

Nana May is the proud grandmom of 4 boys and now little Katelyn.

My mom, Katelyn, and I at the hospital shortly before leaving for home.

Katelyn snoozing in her bouncer seat after getting home from the hospital.

Katelyn with Andy's grandma, "Grandy". Gran made an awesome supper for us all on Sunday after we got home from the hospital. Thanks Gran!

This picture shows those big lips that we got a glimpse of in her ultrasound pictures. She definitely gets those from her daddy.

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's a Girl !!!!

We have a baby!!!!!!!! Katelyn entered the world at 3:00pm sharp this after noon. With a full head of jet black hair and a really good disposition. Indulge's my first chance to brag. She is so beautiful! Tracy is doing fine and of course Security (aka) "Da Boyz" have been by to make sure that sis is OK! She was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 1/2" long. All grandparents were present and accounted for. She is quite the eater!! I have no idea were that could come from. We are so grateful and blessed to have our new addition. Tracy's mother has offered to stay with Tracy tonight so that I can attend to Caleb's needs tonight. My Mom and Dad kept Sam and Caleb all day today...without any help medically from us. That is no small task. They did a great job. If all goes well we should return home Sunday sometime. We'll keep you posted.

"Da Boyz" .... This is Alpha Team, We have the football..... Over? Roger Alpha Team.

Can we uh... kind of keep the interview short? I've got a 5:30 at the Nursery.

"One proud Papa" Speechless.

So, let me get this straight. Santa has no openings right now.... Is that it? Its the blanket isn't it!

Ya'll come back now... you hear.
