Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Helping Nana decorate her Christmas tree.

The boys coloring at the hotel the night before his line removal.

Wow! It's already been over a month since Caleb's central line was removed. It has been really nice not having all of the care associated with it. That has been very nice. However, we have missed it some since it's removal. Caleb has been sick (stomach bug) off and on since the line came out. We figure he picked up a virus at Cinci the day of the line removal, because the following evening is when symptoms from virus #1 started. He was really starting to show improvement when about 2 weeks ago Sam became sick. We thought we had lucked out and that no one else was going to get it when Caleb became sick exactly 1 week later(virus #2). It would have been nice during these illnesses to have had a central line to hook up some extra fluid at night. We have had to come to the conclusion that viruses are a part of life and that we have to learn how to deal with them without the line. So we have been able to keep Caleb hydrated with giving him Pedialyte through his g-tube. We are very grateful for that.

The boys are very excited about Christmas. Their list this year consisted mostly of Ironman and Star Wars toys, much different from last years list of John Deere and helicopter toys. Sam has been counting the days to Christmas ever since Thanksgiving. Katelyn is doing well. She is about 15 1/2lbs now. She can roll over from her back to her stomach. She has already started teething.

I am so thankful to be home again this Christmas. Most of all, I am thankful for God's ultimate gift to us of His son Jesus Christ. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's all good!

The boys outside the aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN.

Katelyn wearing her University of Southern Mississippi onesie. My cousin Lacey is the mascot there.

The boys hanging out at the timeshare in Sevierville, TN.

Katelyn wearing the necklace Aunt Sis got her.

What a cutie pie!

We are doing well here at the Fischer household. About a week ago, we went to the Smokey Mountains with my parents and Uncle Don and Aunt Joann. It was our first real vacation in nearly 2 years. The weather was all good except for one rainy, cold day. My mom, Katelyn and I went to the Biltmore in North Carolina one day. I carried Katelyn in a sling carrier, and she did great. She slept almost the whole time. it was really something. Everybody ought to see the Biltmore at least once. I would like to go back with Andy sometime.

We took Caleb to short bowel clinic in Cinci on Thursday, and got some great news. Dr. K. said that Caleb's central line could be removed! They are going to schedule the procedure with one of their surgeons there in Cinci. It will probably be done in about 2 to 3 weeks. Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Visit from Uncle Derek and Misc Pics

Sorry it's been so long since we last posted. Katelyn is now 5 weeks old and doing well. She had a check up with her doctor, and she looks as healthy as can be. A few weeks ago, my brother Derek visited. He had not seen Caleb since he was in the PICU at Hershey. He thought he looked great. Derek and the rest of his gang are hoping to come by again at Thanksgiving time.

Papaw Fischer and I took Caleb to Cincinnati for clinic last week. They thought he looked great. Dr. Kocoshis thinks Caleb is gaining too much weight, so he cut Caleb's tube feeds down. Andy and I weren't crazy about the change. We want to put some more meat on Caleb's bones. Looking on the bright side, the change gets Caleb more fun time off of the pump. We continue to flush Caleb's central line once a dayto keep it from clotting off. Dr. K said if Caleb does well for another month or two and does not need his line, he would be ready to remove it. Please pray for Caleb to stay well and infection free.

Uncle Derek with the kids.

Sam calls Katelyn "Cutie Pie".

This was the first year for the Riverfest in Mt. Vernon. It was a lot of fun. I hope they have it again next year. There was crafts, food, wagon rides, and a car show.

The boys got to get on a firetruck at the Kunstfest in New Harmony, Indiana.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Coming home with Katelyn

I can't believe Katelyn's almost 1 week old. It seems like we just got home from the hospital. She's doing well. I can't say Andy and I are doing as well. Katelyn has her days and nights mixed up. We're up with her much of the night, and like clock work she sleeps from 8am to noon everyday. If anybody has any advice on getting her straightened out let us know in the comments section. She gets cuter by the day, and her big brothers are crazy about her. Sam is especially smitten. Caleb wasn't too excited at first, but is slowly coming around. He was giving her kisses the other day. Very cute.

Nana May is the proud grandmom of 4 boys and now little Katelyn.

My mom, Katelyn, and I at the hospital shortly before leaving for home.

Katelyn snoozing in her bouncer seat after getting home from the hospital.

Katelyn with Andy's grandma, "Grandy". Gran made an awesome supper for us all on Sunday after we got home from the hospital. Thanks Gran!

This picture shows those big lips that we got a glimpse of in her ultrasound pictures. She definitely gets those from her daddy.

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's a Girl !!!!

We have a baby!!!!!!!! Katelyn entered the world at 3:00pm sharp this after noon. With a full head of jet black hair and a really good disposition. Indulge's my first chance to brag. She is so beautiful! Tracy is doing fine and of course Security (aka) "Da Boyz" have been by to make sure that sis is OK! She was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 1/2" long. All grandparents were present and accounted for. She is quite the eater!! I have no idea were that could come from. We are so grateful and blessed to have our new addition. Tracy's mother has offered to stay with Tracy tonight so that I can attend to Caleb's needs tonight. My Mom and Dad kept Sam and Caleb all day today...without any help medically from us. That is no small task. They did a great job. If all goes well we should return home Sunday sometime. We'll keep you posted.

"Da Boyz" .... This is Alpha Team, We have the football..... Over? Roger Alpha Team.

Can we uh... kind of keep the interview short? I've got a 5:30 at the Nursery.

"One proud Papa" Speechless.

So, let me get this straight. Santa has no openings right now.... Is that it? Its the blanket isn't it!

Ya'll come back now... you hear.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Testing our Blog

We are trying to get things going on this site that will give us more flexibility and additional options to share with everyone. We're still under construction but look forward to getting things all set up so we can share more pics, video, and stories. See ya soon.

Andy and Tracy
